Posts in Coaching
Five Tips for Marketing Your Business Development and Marketing Team Internally to the Firm

Ever feel like your MBD team’s impact is flying under the radar? Immerse yourself in Emily Hillman’s latest blog post, “Five Tips for Marketing Your Business Development and Marketing Team Internally to the Firm.” In her post, Emily provides insights on showcasing your team’s contributions, strategizing data tracking, unifying your team with a tracking system, and utilizing data to both tell a story and drive future decision-making. Want to learn more? Read on!

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Genuinely Connecting with Clients: Smart Business Strategy and Basic Human Kindness – A Guide to The Holidays and Beyond

As the holiday season approaches, it's easy to get swept up in the rush of holiday parties, navigating the hot sales and deals on must have products, and wrapping all year end projects. However, it's important to remember that this time of year also offers a valuable opportunity to reinforce your client relationships. Genuine connections with clients can lead to increased trust, loyalty, and ultimately, business success. First let’s explore why it's so crucial to connect with clients on a genuine level, and then how gift giving fits into that equation. Read on!

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Mastering Conference Success: Tips From Preparation to Follow Up

Attending conferences is a great way to gain knowledge, expand your professional network, and showcase your personal experience. However, to make the most out of these events, it's crucial to follow some best practices. Here are a few ways to maximize your conference experience, from pre-conference preparation to post-conference follow-up. Want to learn more? Read on.

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Revamping Your Law Firm's Marketing Machinery: A Guide to Evaluating and Organizing Your Marketing Department Part 2

Following up from Part 1 of the ‘Revamping Your Law Firms Marketing Machinery: A Guide to Evaluating and Organizing Your Marketing Department’ series where we identified that a well-organized department preserves efficiency, productivity, and quality work by implementing effective organizational strategies, we will now discuss how we can specifically help you make your ‘dream department’ a reality. Want to learn more? Read on.

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Revamping Your Law Firm's Marketing Machinery: A Guide to Evaluating and Organizing Your Marketing Department Part 1

It is an industry norm for marketing departments at firms to become overwhelmed by a never-ending stream of deadlines, day-to-day work, attorney, and client demands. However, taking the time to maintain organization in your department is essential for preserving efficiency, productivity, and ensuring quality work. A well-organized department not only streamlines processes and minimizes errors, but also enhances collaboration, communication, and overall effectiveness. By implementing effective organizational strategies, firms can optimize their marketing operations, maximize their resources, support overworked employees, and ultimately provide better service to their clients. Want to learn more? Read on.

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Maintaining Momentum During Busy Seasons: Tips for Staying on Track

Maintaining momentum during busy seasons and holidays can be challenging, and attorneys are often swamped with client work, conferences, and personal commitments throughout the year. Juggling all of this makes it easy for business development efforts to take a back seat. However, this doesn't mean you should let your business development efforts stagnate. In fact, these times can present unique opportunities to stand out and strengthen client relationships. Want to learn some ways to keep business development relevant and important during these challenging periods? Read on.

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