Genuinely Connecting with Clients: Smart Business Strategy and Basic Human Kindness – A Guide to The Holidays and Beyond

As the holiday season approaches, it's easy to get swept up in the rush of holiday parties, navigating the hot sales and deals on must have products, and wrapping all year end projects. However, it's important to remember that this time of year also offers a valuable opportunity to reinforce your client relationships. Genuine connections with clients can lead to increased trust, loyalty, and ultimately, business success. First let’s explore why it's so crucial to connect with clients on a genuine level, and then how gift giving fits into that equation.

The first reason for prioritizing genuine client connections? The impact it can have on trust. When clients feel that you have their best interests at heart, they're more likely to trust your recommendations, respect your expertise, and view you as a valuable partner. Trust is crucial in any business relationship, and it can take months or even years to establish. By taking the time to connect with clients on a personal level, however, you can speed up that process and cement a strong foundation of trust.

Another reason for focusing on genuine connections is the value of repeat business. Clients who feel truly understood and appreciated by their service providers are more likely to return for future work. This not only leads to a steady stream of revenue for your business, but it can also result in referrals and positive word-of-mouth marketing. By going above and beyond to connect with clients, you can turn them into loyal advocates for your brand. This is both a win for you and a win for your clients!

Of course, one way to express your appreciation for clients is through gift giving. However, it's important to note that gifts don't have to be extravagant or limited to the holiday season. In fact, some of the most meaningful gifts are those that are given spontaneously throughout the year, without any expectation of reciprocation. This type of gift giving shows that you're thinking of your clients on a regular basis, not just when it's expected – or in December when their office is flooded with food and baked goods from all their other vendors. In fact, one of my number one recommendations to clients is to send a ‘Happy New Year’ gift in January with a note containing a positive outlook or wishes for the year ahead. The main reason is you will stand out to your client and won’t be buried in the masses of boxed nuts and easily forgotten. An added bonus is that this strategy allows for more time to source a unique product that you might prefer to send and does not pigeon hole you into the holiday themed aesthetic of the wrapping or the gift itself.

In addition to gifts, there are many other ways to cultivate genuine connections with clients. For example, you might invite them to lunch or coffee, attend industry events together, or simply check in with them regularly to see how their business is doing. These types of activities not only strengthen your relationship with clients, but they also provide valuable face-to-face opportunities to learn more about their needs and goals, which can inform the way you approach your work together.

Connecting with clients on a genuine level is both a smart business strategy and a basic human kindness. By prioritizing relationships over transactions, you can establish a foundation of trust, encourage repeat business, and create strong advocates for your brand. While gift giving can be a part of this equation, it's important to remember that it's just one small piece of a much larger puzzle. By consistently showing your clients that you care about them as people, not just revenue sources, you can set yourself apart from the competition and build relationships that last.

At Society 54, we can source and support our clients with all of their client giving projects. We also cultivated some of our favorite vendors that offer these gifts in a range of price points and a variety of products across all genres. To see our Society 54 2023 Gift Guide, click here.

Written by Melissa Delaney