Mastering Conference Success: Tips From Preparation to Follow Up

Attending conferences is a great way to gain knowledge, expand your professional network, and showcase your personal experience. However, to make the most out of these events, it's crucial to follow some best practices. Here are a few ways to maximize your conference experience, from pre-conference preparation to post-conference follow-up. 

Pre-Conference Attendee Research 

The journey to a successful conference experience begins long before you set foot in the event venue. Here's how you can prepare effectively: 

1. Know Your Goals: Determine what you want to achieve at the conference. Are you looking to learn about industry trends, find potential clients, or showcase your knowledge? Decide up front what you’re seeking so your actions are intentional. 

2. Research Speakers and Sessions: Familiarize yourself with the conference agenda, speakers, and sessions. Identify the ones that align with your goals (see above!) and interests. 

3. Connect on Social Media: Follow conference organizers, speakers, and fellow attendees on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. Engaging in pre-conference discussions can help establish connections and build anticipation. 

4. Prepare Elevator Pitch: Craft a concise elevator pitch specific to the event and its audience. It should speak succinctly to who you are, how you support others in your job, and touch briefly on your goals. You'll use this when networking during the event. 

Maximizing Networking Events and Client Dinners 

Networking is often a primary reason for attending conferences. Here's how to make the most of these opportunities: 

1. Attend Social Events: Participate in networking sessions, receptions, and client dinners. These informal settings provide excellent opportunities for meaningful conversations. 

2. Exchange Contact Information: After a productive conversation, exchange contact information. Ensure you have a system to organize and follow up with new connections. 

Take Advantage of Speaking Opportunities 

If you have the chance to speak at a conference, seize the opportunity to enhance your visibility and credibility in the following ways: 

1. Prepare Thoroughly: Invest time in preparing your presentation or talking points. Craft a compelling narrative, use visuals effectively, and practice your delivery. 

2. Promote Your Session: Leverage social media and conference platforms to let attendees know about your speaking engagement. Encourage colleagues and connections to attend by sharing one or two key takeaways. 

3. Engage the Audience: During your session, engage with the audience through Q&A sessions or interactive elements. This fosters a memorable connection with attendees. 

4. Share Resources: After your presentation, share additional resources, such as slides, articles, or whitepapers, to provide additional value to your audience. 

Productive Follow-Up 

Post-conference follow-up is crucial for cementing new relationships and turning them into meaningful connections. Here are a few suggestions to try: 

1. Send Thank-You Emails: Send personalized thank-you emails to those you met during the conference. Like you, they likely spoke with many people at the conference, so Include at least one detail about something you discussed to help them recall your conversation. 

2. Connect on LinkedIn: Connect with new contacts on LinkedIn. Again, be sure to include a tailored message that will help them recall meeting you at the conference. 

3. Share Insights: Share insights or key takeaways from the conference on your social media platforms. Tag relevant attendees and speakers to continue the conversation. 

4. Schedule Follow-Up Meetings: Arrange follow-up meetings or calls with potential clients, collaborators, or interesting contacts you met at the conference. This solidifies your connection and sets the stage for future collaborations. 

Attending conferences is an excellent opportunity to learn, network, and advance your career or business. By following these best practices, from thorough pre-conference preparation to effective post-conference follow-up, you can make the most of your conference experiences and forge valuable connections that benefit you professionally and personally. So, gear up, attend conferences, and make every moment count! 

Written by Meg Estes