McCullough Authors Law360 Article, "Level Up Lawyers' Business Development With Gamification"

Law360 recently published “Level Up Lawyers’ Business Development With Gamification” authored by Heather McCullough.

The article discusses the importance of business development to law firms, and details three reasons why gamification is a great tool to drive attorneys to action. Additionally, Heather outlines the steps to get started with gamification.

Depending on where you sit, it may or may not be a surprise to learn that employee engagement is at a 10-year low. Gallup published an article earlier this year that outlined these findings, as well as how age and gender may come into play.[1]

Employee engagement is critical to all companies, but especially to those where business development is necessary, like law firms. Add in the fact that developing business is nonbillable, and the draw to develop new business decreases even more.

Being able to generate new clients, new matters and new connections for you and your firm is the key to future success. It drives revenue, fosters business growth, reduces risk, promotes professional development, builds reputation and makes you and your firm more adaptable to market demands. Individual participation in this process is imperative to ensure the success of the firm and its employees.

So how do you create an atmosphere and culture that makes business development and sales more appealing, and ensures participation and engagement? Make it a game!

Read the entire article here.