Midcareer Guide- Quoted in Law 360

Jill Huse was recently quoted in Law 360 in the article by Gavin Brody entitled "A Midcareer Guide to Becoming Your Firm's Heir Apparent".

Here is an excerpt of the March 3, 2015 article:

Making your name the first that comes to mind when the topic of leadership comes up requires thinking more like a businessperson rather than a lawyer, which means focusing on building a personal brand within the firm, according to Jill Huse, a partner at Society 54 LLC.

“Being in law firms, a lot of the time you’re told to just keep your head down and do good legal work,” Huse says. “But when it comes to being a successor in a law firm you really have to develop a brand, and you have to be networking internally and building relationships so you’re a known partner.”

That all starts with getting out of your office. Huse says a shrewd future firm leader will go out of his or her way to network with different practice groups and learn what fellow partners and associates specialize in and care about.

“It’s absolutely crucial to elevating your profile that you’re out there asking questions and learning about others,” Huse says. “That will give you the opportunity, in turn, to educate people about what you do.”
