Huse Quoted in Law360 Article Discussing Why Law Partners Leave

Law360's Jeff Sistrunk quoted Jill Huse in their recent article "Top 5 Reasons Partners Walk Out the Door." The article details the most common reasons law partners leave one firm to go to another, and some tips for firms to avoid this problem.

"In today's fiercely competitive legal market, partners may be tempted to leave their firms and seek out a new gig for a wide variety of reasons, including the perception that they're not being paid enough and a loss of faith in a firm's management. While observers may assume that money is always the primary factor behind partners making lateral moves or taking inhouse positions, experts say that insufficient compensation is usually only one of many considerations that may drive partners from a firm.

...While a lot of firms say they have well defined plans, those plans are often very old, and firms may not be actively working toward them, experts say. Many firms haven’t revisited their plans in years because they have been busy with clients, noted Huse."

See what else Jill had to say, and read the rest of the article here.