Lasting Impressions : written by Susan Ramsey

I have spent my career in the professional services sector working in both business development and marketing functions for accounting and architecture firms. Being new to the legal marketing industry, I was a first-time attendee at the 2016 LMA Annual Conference. Attending this event was a great opportunity and made quite an impression on me! I learned from the wisest legal marketers in the industry, met many people who became immediate friends, and experienced the fabulous city of Austin, Texas. My experience attending the conference went far beyond my expectations. The organizational function of the conference itself was outstanding. There were many professionals orchestrated between several floors of meeting rooms, break-out rooms, exhibit space and hotel common areas which were consistently loaded with more than 1,400 attendees. LMA is definitely a well-run organization and it shows!

With the theme focused on the latest trends in legal marketing and business development, there were many choices of sessions to attend to keep abreast of current trends. From the PR/Communications pre-conference, the vast array of educational sessions, and an extraordinary keynote speaker to the fun After Hours social events and dinners – the whole conference was excellent! I learned something new from each activity, soaking up a new world of information.

One of the best advantages of attending the conference was meeting new people. Legal marketers came from all over the world to this robust conference – people who are very dedicated to the legal industry. Everyone was welcoming and openly shared their background and experiences with one another. A common bond was evident among this energetic group of legal marketers. You could tell they are special people that really care about their peers and are excited about their work.

As I took copious notes and attended as many sessions as possible, I was so impressed with the speakers’ backgrounds and their depth of knowledge in the specific areas they addressed. From vibrant topics about content and social media, award rankings and marketing operations to lateral hiring, process optimization and the future roles of marketing and business development – all key subjects were covered! One person even commented that these conferences are therapeutic. It’s true!

I retained a wealth of information and new ideas that will benefit my work at Parker Poe. In developing a Content Marketing Strategy as one of our department goals, many of the concepts I heard about at the conference gave me practical applications that will enhance our program. I shared highlights from the conference with my Marketing & Business Development Department soon after I returned and my colleagues were also enthusiastic about my findings. A PowerPoint of my highlights can be found here.

I returned to Charlotte, NC feeling inspired with a passion to utilize everything that I learned. With my head full of information, I had a stronger knowledge base and new names of many people I met. While it took several days to download and process, I reflected on the primary takeaway I learned from the conference - the real meaning of the words “legal marketing.”

The LMA Conference experience is one to cherish. I am anxious for next year where I will have the opportunity to continue growing and developing more skills. I look forward to building my network in addition to adding memorable experiences while venturing through my legal marketing journey - at the 2017 LMA Annual Conference in Las Vegas!

Susan Ramsey is the Marketing Communications Manager for Parker Poe. She is based in Charlotte, NC.