Maintaining Momentum During Busy Seasons: Tips for Staying on Track

Maintaining momentum during busy seasons and holidays can be challenging, and attorneys are often swamped with client work, conferences, and personal commitments throughout the year. Juggling all of this makes it easy for business development efforts to take a back seat. However, this doesn't mean you should let your business development efforts stagnate. In fact, these times can present unique opportunities to stand out and strengthen client relationships. Want to learn some ways to keep business development relevant and important during these challenging periods? Read on.

  1. Plan Ahead: Before a busy season or holiday arrives, develop a comprehensive business development plan that takes these demanding seasons into account. Identify key dates, anticipate workloads, and allocate resources accordingly. This proactive approach will help you stay organized and ensure that business development remains a priority.

  2. Leverage Client Appreciation: Holidays are an excellent time to express gratitude to your clients. Send personalized holiday cards or small gifts to show your appreciation. A heartfelt gesture can go a long way in nurturing client relationships and reminding them of your commitment to their needs. And remember that this doesn’t need to be limited to the winter holidays. If the end of the year is too full, consider another holiday to express your gratitude when your schedule is less hectic.

  3. Content Marketing: Content marketing is a powerful tool for maintaining visibility during busy periods. Develop a content calendar that includes blog posts, newsletters, and social media updates related to the specific challenges your clients may face during these times. Consider the resources you have internally to assist with these efforts, and perhaps approach a colleague about partnering so you can both benefit while splitting the effort.

  4. Networking Events: While in-person events may be limited during attorney conference travel or the holidays, you can still organize virtual networking events. Virtual happy hours, professional book clubs and even game nights have become increasingly popular since early 2020! Also consider hosting webinars, roundtable discussions, or online workshops on topics relevant to your clients. These events can serve as a valuable platform for maintaining and growing your professional network.

  5. Client Check-Ins: Reach out to clients with a friendly check-in. Inquire about their needs and help with any legal issues they may be facing during the holidays or other busy times, such as tax season for CPAs. Demonstrating your commitment to their well-being can reinforce trust and loyalty.

  6. Year-End Reviews: Use the end of the year as an opportunity to conduct performance reviews with your clients. Discuss their legal needs, accomplishments, and future goals. Offering insights and guidance can position you as a trusted advisor and potentially lead to new opportunities. And remember to put the feedback into action!

  7. Internal Training: Allocate some time for internal training and skill development. Enhance your team's knowledge and expertise in specific legal areas. This investment can pay off in the long run by allowing you to serve clients more effectively and attract new business. Consider also asking your team which areas or skills they wish to improve. Not only is the additional training great for their work product and, in turn, client satisfaction but can also be a great tool for an individual’s overall job satisfaction.

  8. Reflect and Plan for the Future: Evaluate what worked well during the year and what needs improvement. Use this information to refine your business development plan for the upcoming year.

  9. Embrace Technology: Leverage technology to streamline your business development efforts. Invest in customer relationship management (CRM) software, marketing automation tools, and analytics platforms to track and optimize your activities. Not sure where to start? INform might be just what you need to keep track of your business development efforts.

Keeping business development top-of-mind during busy seasons, high travel times and holidays requires careful planning, creativity, and a client-centered approach. By implementing these strategies, you can ensure momentum while also creating lasting client relationships and setting the stage for a successful year ahead.

Remember, consistent effort and adaptability are the keys to thriving in any season.

Written by Meg Estes