Are You an Outlaw? Meet Roy Sexton

Who has redefined what it means to think outside of the law (AKA Outlaw) and is helping each of us in the process?

Meet Roy Sexton, the driving force behind Clark Hill's marketing, branding and communications strategy. Teaming up with an incredible squad of marketing and business development experts, he brings over a quarter-century of experience in the industry. His prowess in marketing, communications, business development, and strategic planning is unmatched. Notably, he held the prestigious role of International President of the Legal Marketing Association in 2023.

Roy is a highly accomplished professional with a wealth of experience in marketing, branding, communications, and business development. He has spent more than 25 years in the industry, honing his skills and expertise to become one of the most sought-after experts in his field.

Throughout his career, Roy has worked with numerous organizations across different industries, helping them develop and implement effective marketing strategies that drive growth and success. He is known for his exceptional abilities in strategic planning, identifying new opportunities for businesses to expand their reach and improve their bottom line.

Enjoy getting to know the Outlaw, Roy Sexton!

Q: What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
A: Being in a particularly boisterous crowd who won't let me finish one story.

Q: Where would you like to live?
A: Narnia, Wonderland, or Oz ... my hubby would like to move one day to Portland or Seattle (but we probably should visit there first!)

Q: What is your idea of happiness?
A: Having a quiet, slightly rainy day with zero requests from anyone, my husband on the couch napping with our dogs Henry J and Hudson, and me in my chair with a big pile of comic books.

Q: Who is your real-life hero?
A: My husband is one of the most generous, selfless people I know with a deep commitment to his friends. I aspire to be more like him as I fear I'm a mile wide and an inch deep where relationships are concerned.

Q: What is your motto?
A: "Tell people what they mean to you in the moment when it will mean something to them." - Susie Sexton ... also, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde

Q: What is your greatest fear?
A: Filling out questionnaires where I say something too revealing, stupid, or misspelled.

Q: To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
A: Is there a word count limit here? Talking too much, co-opting others' stories with my own, overstaying my welcome, buying too many action figures, wearing costumes when other people simply wear clothing, eating too much fried food, wishing to rescue every homeless animal ...

Q: Finish this sentence: “If I could have one super-power, it would be...”
A: To make sure people never act like smart alecks with each other, never tease each other, never act snide, and always simply support one another

Q: Who are your favorite authors or what are your favorite books?
A: Kurt Vonnegut, Ray Bradbury, Eugene O'Neill, Toni Morrison, Tennessee Williams, Alice Walker, Tony Kushner, Susie Duncan Sexton

Q: If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
A: Jennifer Garner. She just seems like a deeply decent human being who doesn't take herself too seriously but would still have wicked stories to share.

Q: What got you into working in the legal industry?
A: Serendipity. I had been in health care strategic planning and marketing for over a decade. And I'd grown tired of that bureaucracy. I threw my resume out there in 2011 and was hired by my first firm. That said, I also joined the Legal Marketing Association then as well, and that's when I knew I'd found my calling.

Q: Your favorite musician or band?
A: Madonna. Janet. Kylie. Britney. Beyonce. Gaga. Do you really need to ask?

Q: What is your current state of mind?
A: Loopy. I think I'm generally loopy. But when I embrace it, magic happens.

Q: Your favorite virtue?
A: Decency. It takes so little to simply be decent. It takes so much more energy to act like a jerk.

Q: What would you consider your greatest achievement?
A: My relationship - 25 years strong. My professional network - 32,000 and counting on LinkedIn. And serving as the 2023 International President of the Legal Marketing Association - including singing with a drag queen in Florida at the height of their governor's homophobia.

Q: Finish this sentence: “If I won the lottery tomorrow I would...”
A: Build the biggest animal rescue the world had ever seen.

Q: Who would you have liked to be?
A: Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Gosling, or Hugh Jackman.