Posts in Business Development
Resolutions for a Successful New Year

New Year’s resolutions: people either love them or hate them. For some, it’s a fresh start to set intentions for the year. For others, it’s a goal they know they won’t keep so they don’t even bother making a resolution. Unfortunately, those who know they won’t keep up with their resolutions are simply realistic. It’s reported that 80% of those who make new year’s resolutions have abandoned them by February. It is why gyms are crowded in January, but empty by Valentine’s Day.  

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Business Development Coaching | 2023 SMART Goals for Law Firm Business Development

If you've spent any time at all working in business development and marketing for professional service providers like law firms, we bet you've heard some variation of this demand in your career.

Attorneys and firm leadership want to increase the bottom dollar and client growth and retention, but they don't always have an understanding of the often minuscule steps and measurements that lead to a bigger bottom dollar and book of business. They have grand goals that aren't exactly structured. That's where your expert experience in developing business in the legal industry comes into play, right?

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Meet Your Annual Business Development Goals | 5 Tips to Overcome Burnout in Fall

It's the final countdown! C'mon, sing it with us. You know you want to. This is it, friends. We are in the home stretch of Q4 2022, but we still have miles to go and metrics to meet (or exceed) in our annual business development goals.

If your firm is anything like most, you are pushing forward in an all-hands-on-deck race to the end of this year in hopes of meeting and exceeding your firm’s and department's business development and marketing goals.

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The Data-Driven Approach to Improving Business Development Productivity

The ability to effectively leverage data in a timely manner improves efficiency within organizations. Why? Well, we've all heard the old adage that "time is money," and nobody understands that better than businesses like law firms that earn revenue through billable hours. You don't have to be an attorney or a billable employee to fully grasp that idea. Just ask the marketing and business development teams, as they play a major role in the client acquisition and retention that feeds those billable hours.

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How to Create Consistency Around Business Development

Your business development initiatives are just like most everything else in life – you get what you put in. I.e. the fruits of your business development and marketing strategy depend wholly on the time, effort, and attention you give. This probably doesn’t come as news to anyone. We all know that hard work pays off, and hard work includes consistent action and routine, especially to reach goals that have layered and progressive pathways to business success, like business development.

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