Holiday Cards: To Send or Not To Send?

The end of summer/early Fall is the time when many firms begin planning for the holiday season and make decisions on holiday cards. Will we send one? Will it be a firm branded card, or is each attorney responsible for his or her own? Do people read them? Can we send an e-card? Will it get caught in spam? What will this cost us? 

We challenge you to reconsider this tradition. Don't do it just because you always have or because you think your clients will be offended not to receive one (they won't and, no offense, but they may not even notice). What if you used the funds normally set aside for this purpose, and instead considered other options? Perhaps it is a donation to a respected and deserving charity, or adopting a family to provide holiday gifts and other needed items. Or if you are really committed to the idea of sending a card, what if you stood apart from the rest of the card senders and reached out at another time of year? Valentine's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, National Popcorn Day (yes, that's a thing)...literally any other time of year when you are less likely to be overlooked in a mountain of other cards.

And if you decide to do so, would you add us to your list? We would love to see what you come up with!

Morgan Lewis