Are You an Outlaw? Meet Susan Patton

Who has redefined what it means to think outside the law (aka Outlaw) and is helping each of us in the process?

Meet Susan Patton, current Director of Human Resources for Maynard Nexsen. Susan is proud to be involved in the blending of two exceptional firms - Maynard Cooper & Gale and Nexsen Pruet. The merger has created a great opportunity to learn and share information.

Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Susan lived in a number of cities before settling in Charlotte where she raised her two sons. She has worked in the legal industry for several years in different capacities. Susan was an LMA City Chair and Southeastern Board Member as well as a longtime member of the Association of Legal Administrators.

Prior to the merger with Maynard Cooper & Gale, Susan served as the Chief Human Resources Officer for Nexsen Pruet where she managed payroll, benefits and human resources. Susan is passionate about building relationships in the Firm and providing excellent service to the attorneys, staff and clients. Personal and professional growth are paramount in her life and Susan believes we all have an obligation to give back.

Nothing makes her happier than to walk into one of the offices and hear people laughing, as she firmly believes work should be meaningful AND fun!

Enjoy getting to know this Outlaw!

Q: What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
A: Not being able to feed and house your children.

Q: Where would you like to live?
A: I have lived in a number of places, but really enjoy my life in Charlotte. Italy would not be bad either.

Q: What is your idea of happiness?
A: Feeling loved and supported.

Q: Who is your real-life hero?
A: Mother Teresa

Q: What is your motto?
A: Live with gratitude in your heart.

Q: What is your greatest fear?
A: My world becoming small.

Q: To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
A: Making time to work out a priority.

Q: Finish this sentence: “If I could have one super-power, it would be…”
A: …the power to heal.

Q: Who are your favorite authors or what are your favorite books?
A: Alex Michaelides, John Grisham and biographies. You can learn so much from the lives of others.

Q: If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
A: Jackie Kennedy. It would be fascinating to hear her version of the Camelot now.

Q: What got you into working in the legal industry?
A: A family member recommended me for a job in a law firm a long time ago. It worked out okay.

Q: Your favorite musician or band?
A: I love all kinds of music, so I don’t have just one - Crosby, Stills Nash and Young, Tina Turner, Journey, Stevie Nicks, Eddie Vedder…

Q: What is your current state of mind?
A: Being aware of what makes me happy.

Q: What is your favorite virtue?
A: Forgiveness.

Q: What would you consider your greatest achievement?
A: Raising two happy, accountable, good men.

Q: Finish this sentence: “If I won the lottery tomorrow I would…”
A: The thought of winning the lottery does not appeal to me. I don’t want that type of responsibility and noise in my life.

Q: Who would you have liked to be?
A: A gifted artist.