Are you an Outlaw? Meet Dave Bruns
Who has redefined what it means to think outside the law (aka OUTLAW) and is helping each of us in the process? Meet Dave Bruns, the Director of Client Services for Farella Braun + Martel where he works with individual attorneys at all levels to develop achievable practice development programs and target specific clients for new or additional work, counsels lawyers on a wide variety of subjects, and conducts client interviews.
What is your greatest fear? I don’t really fear much and tend to embrace most challenges, but in real terms I don’t like heights and specifically jumping off things like cliffs into pools.
To what faults do you feel most indulgent? My kids, definitely. One has a horse and the other a motorcycle, both are expert black diamond skiers and we like to introduce them to as much as we can – e.g., food, culture, travel, sports and concerts. I think in many ways, because I grew up with wants, they get indulged.
Finish this sentence, If I could have one super-power, it would be...This is very tough, because I think it would be awesome to fly, but I could also see lots of value in reading people’s thoughts.
Who are your favorite authors/ what are your favorite books? Erik Larson, and historical fiction. I love learning about history with a twist.
If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why? May sound a bit strange, but I am going to suggest the Queen of England. I am not sure that there is someone alive that could provide insight into virtually every major global event.
What got you into working in the legal industry? Totally serendipitous or a harbinger of a successful career in business development. I was at the Professional Environmental Marketing Association (PEMA) monthly lunch and one of the speakers was a CMO from a law firm. After the program, we exchanged cards, I took her to lunch (she may have actually paid) and then I hounded her for about a month until she hired me. We are still very good friends and colleagues today.
Your favorite musician/band? 80s New Wave all the way, but generally I like to go to concerts...we see lot of shows and genre isn’t as important particularly because my wife is a Deadhead and I am not.
What is your current state of mind? As a generally always positive person, my state of mind is looking towards a future where lawyers actually get that clients want more than legal work from their lawyer, and professional staff actually help them succeed.
Finish this sentence: If I won the lottery tomorrow, I a house in Tahoe, and the size of the win would dictate how close to the lake we would be.
Who would you have liked to be? Honestly, I like who I am. There are traits of others that I admire and many times I try to emulate, but I don’t think I would change who I am. My wife is awesome, my kids are awesome, my job rocks and I get to do a lot of really fun things personally and professionally.
With more than 14 years of legal industry experience, Dave understands the risk-averse style of most lawyers. He incorporates proven tactics from inside and outside of the legal industry to develop creative, action-based programs that blend traditional and electronic client touch points. His approach is founded in solid metrics and requires a deep understanding of law firm economics, practice-based value propositions, corporate marketing tactics and a stiff back-bone. Dave has successfully integrated business development into Farella Braun + Martel's culture by creating a multi-tiered training program that leverages their existing relationship building efforts, affinity groups and practice group activities as opportunities to practice sound business development tactics within the firm, and where appropriate directly involve clients. He facilitates annual practice-based business planning, firm-wide business development tactics, internal and external communication and an expansion of electronic marketing programs.