Law360 quotes Huse Time Management

Huse quoted in recent Law360 article regarding Time Management. To view the entire article, click here.

3 Tips For Better Managing Your Time Share us on: By Lisa Ryan Law360, New York (September 1, 2015, 2:06 PM ET) -- BigLaw attorneys often have to juggle piles of paperwork with packed meeting and court schedules, which often means they have to log insane hours and sometimes struggle to make deadlines.

Here are three tips to help you better manage your time.

Quit Complaining

When feeling exhausted or overwhelmed, it can be tempting to complain about your troubles to your co-workers.

Stick to a Routine

Because lawyers are constantly pressed, it can be hard to find the time to take care of themselves. That’s why it’s important to craft a daily routine — and stick with it.

Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize

One of the most effective methods of time management is to write out a to-do list with all of the day’s tasks so that you are not only aware of what needs to be done, but you can also allot time for each of the tasks.

“To-do lists are very effective. For one, it gives you the accountability; you’re able to have a plan. Secondly, just checking off the to-do list gives you the accomplishment feeling and you’re actually able to be more productive,” said Jill Huse, a partner at Society 54 LLC.

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