Huse quoted in Law 360 article on Laterals

Check out the recent article published by Law 360 quoting our very own Jill Huse! 4 Ways Laterals Can Spot A Toxic Law Firm Before Day 1 By Aebra Coe

Law360, New York (May 5, 2017, 3:24 PM EDT) -- Many attorneys are lured laterally to new law firms that appear placid from the outside but that they discover soon after accepting a job offer are actually plagued by toxic workplace cultures.

Getting duped by cunning recruitment officers and persuasive managers doesn't have to be an unavoidable risk of making a lateral move, though, according to several recruiters who say signs of a toxic workplace culture are usually visible during the recruitment and interview processes, and vigilant associates and partners can often identify and pass up law firms that are less than desirable.

"The importance of finding the right culture cannot be understated," said Jill Huse, co-founder of Society 54. "It's imperative that you ask the right questions that give you a full picture of the firm so that you can assess whether you would be a good fit."

1. There's a Revolving Door

2. People Bad-Mouth Each Other

Another red flag appears if a candidate gets to meet with most of the team they'd be joining but a few key members are left out of the meeting, according to Huse.

"Candidates need to make sure that they are meeting with all the persons that they may be directly working with," she said. "If the firm doesn't offer this as an option during the interview process, it probably means there is a personality that they are trying to hide."

3. Lines of Communication Are Tangled

4. There Are Bad Signs in Management

Read the entire article here.