Happiness and Success (yes, it's attainable!)

I’ve been asked by almost every single person who knows (or cares) about my job transition why I did it. What prompted me to make the move? How I could leave the stability of a great firm and a great team? I don’t have a simple answer. I can’t point to just one reason why I made the decision. What I can tell you is that happiness played a huge factor in me moving from a steady, reliable, good job to this very competitive, scary, exciting, nail biting and no-promises world of being an entrepreneur. Yes, I said happiness. You see, I’ve been reading into what makes one happy. How do we reach the actual nirvana of true happiness in our professional and personal lives when we are overworked, overscheduled and generally overwhelmed? Research has shown that “success does not create happiness. Happiness creates success” (great post here from Barking Up the Wrong Tree) Therefore, I have chosen to be happy(er!). The success will surely follow.

Plus, how can I not be ecstatic when I get to share this adventure with Jill Huse. She is one of the most dedicated and driven women that I know - - all while being incredibly happy (just read her FB posts!).