Jill Huse Discusses Women in Leadership Roles on The Rainmaking Podcast

Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Society 54, Jill Huse, recently appeared as a guest on the May 9th episode of The Rainmaking Podcast. She explored the multifaceted challenges women leaders face at professional services firms and offered insightful strategies on how individuals can support women in these high-impact positions.


In the episode, Jill spoke on coaching people to be more authentic in their leadership roles, how to become aware of personal pitfalls, and three action steps to be more effective in your role. Jill advises people to “Find an advocate and ally. It is very powerful to find men and women who can be your sounding board.” “The second thing would be to own your narrative. What do you want that to be and look like?” The third action step Jill suggested is to “think about what you want from your career. What brought you to your career? Check in occasionally and ensure you’re on the right path with what you want.”


To access the full episode, click here.