The Importance of Mentorship

If you don't already have a trusted mentor, it's time to find one. We all hit points in our careers where we would benefit - some would argue need - the advice, guidance and inspiration that a great mentor can provide.

If you have a mentor, great! Let this serve as a reminder to reach out and schedule a time to get together or to have a virtual call.

If you don't already have a mentor, it's time. Consider someone whose career and/or overall life you admire. What is it about that person that draws you to him or her? How do they inspire you? Which areas of their life speak to you most? If the old adage is true, "you are who you surround yourself with," who do you want to be?

Make a call or craft an email, explain how much you would value a bit of their time on a semi-regular basis (be sure to include an end point - a year, 18 months?) and why you're contacting them specifically. Odds are, they are willing to do so because they, too, had a great mentor (or wished they had!). If they say no, it's likely not personal but more an issue of time (who can't relate to that?). Be willing to ask again at a later time, or consider someone else.

Nobody is ever too successful, advanced or high-ranking for a great mentor.