Are You An Outlaw? Meet Farrah Grooms


Meet Farrah Grooms, a passionate legal marketer committed to team success.

In her role as Business Development and Marketing Assistant Director at Mayer Brown, Farrah helps attorneys turn business strategies into business successes. Acting as the global relationship manager for key law firm accounts, she guides and supports teams to ensure the firm's strategic objectives are realized. Working closely with attorneys and practice areas, Farrah leads initiatives and cross-selling efforts to enhance attorney visibility and drive new business, contributing significantly to firm revenue.

Farrah brings a wealth of experience from her background in marketing and business development, having worked with both global and regional law firms, as well as professional services firms like PwC and Deloitte.

Outside of work, Farrah enjoys time with family, leisurely walks with her lovable dog Hershey, exploring new places, and giving back to her community through volunteering activities.

Enjoy getting to know this Outlaw!

Q: Where would you like to live?
A: Somewhere with a vibrant walkable community, a thriving arts scene, and easy access to the beach. Think of it as the perfect blend of work and play, with a side of sunshine.

Q: What is your idea of happiness?
A: Picture this: Game night at home with my hubby, son and daughter. No TV, no cell phones—just the sound of our favorite jams in the background as we dive into a fierce but friendly competition. With each roll of the dice and every move on the board, laughter echoes through the room, accompanied by a healthy dose of good-natured trash talk. As I watch my family bond and grow closer, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for these precious moments together. That’s the perfect picture of happiness for me.

Q: What is your motto?
A: "Believe in Yourself." Inspired by the timeless wisdom of my favorite movie, "The Wiz," it's a reminder that all we need to succeed lies within. Whether facing career challenges or life's twists, trusting in ourselves—our education, experiences, knowledge, and most importantly, our instincts—empowers us to overcome obstacles and pursue goals, no matter the size, with determination. It encourages taking risks professionally, knowing our unique skills have value. Personally, it fosters self-love and resilience, reminding us to honor our worth, celebrate our wins, and move forward with grace.

Q: Who are your favorite authors or what are your favorite books?
A: I enjoy books by several different authors so I can’t say that I have one favorite. Recently, though, I got swept away by “Black Cake” by Charmaine Wilkerson. This book? It’s like a cultural kaleidoscope, weaving together thread of heritage, family, and resilience. Set against the backdrop of the Caribbean, it’s a poignant exploration of identity and belonging that resonated deeply with me. I laughed, I cried, and I definitely couldn’t put it down.

Q: What got you into working in the legal industry?
A: I got into legal marketing thanks to the guidance of a good friend. While I was already navigating the marketing world in a large public accounting firm, I was craving a change. That's when my friend introduced me to LMA (Legal Marketing Association). From attending local chapter meetings to networking and volunteering, I immersed myself in the legal marketing community. As I delved deeper into the industry, I realized how seamlessly my current skills could transfer. Joining committees and getting involved in various projects only solidified my interest in the field. When approached with an opportunity at a regional firm, I gladly leaned in! It was the perfect chance to continue working on creative, strategic projects alongside brilliant minds while bringing my unique perspective to the table. And as they say, the rest was history.

Q: Your favorite musician or band?
A: Whoever’s playing at the local jazz club. There’s nothing like live music to soothe the soul after a long week. For those in Charlotte, have you heard of Middle C? If not, check it out.

Q: Your favorite virtue?
A: Kindness, because in a world of deadlines and deliverables, a little compassion goes a long way. Plus, it’s free!