Are You an Outlaw? Meet Jessica Jaramillo
Who has redefined what it means to think outside the law (aka OUTLAW) and is helping each of us in the process?
Jessica Jaramillo
Meet Jessica Jaramillo, Marketing Director for Ireland Stapleton Pryor & Pascoe, a 40-lawyer law firm in Denver, Colorado, where she is responsible for all marketing and communications initiatives. Jessica is a solutions-focused legal marketer who works closely with her attorneys and practice group leaders to create and implement client-focused business development initiatives. Jessica is a past-president of LMA’s Southwest Region and has served on several LMA committees including the Annual Conference Advisory Committees for the 2017 Las Vegas and 2020 virtual conferences.
Jessica is also the co-host of The Legal Slant podcast. The show spotlights the unique challenges legal marketers face, and is focused on bringing the legal marketing community together through industry insights, camaraderie, and humor.
We asked Jessica a few questions, and her answers can be found below. Enjoy getting to know this Outlaw!
Q: What is your motto?
A: Be a solutionary. Yup, that is a made-up word and you’re welcome. Problems won’t resolve themselves; real solutions require vision. Sometimes you’re implementing your vision, other times it’s the team’s vision. Regardless, you’ll never get to where you’re going if you can’t see it.
Q: To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
A: The fault I am most indulgent to is perfectionism. I used to think perfectionism was a good quality to have – I thought perfectionism equaled success. Now, I see how it creates a self-defeating attitude, stress, and anxiety. I’m really trying to recognize and overcome this tendency and be more balanced in my approach to life.
Q: If you could have dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
A: If I could have dinner with any person dead or alive, it would be Reese Witherspoon. I really admire the way she sets a goal and doesn’t let anything stand in her way of achieving that goal. She’s an admirable example of grit and grace. Her creative approach to life and business is inspiring and empowering.
Q: What is your current state of mind?
A: Tired. Grateful. Optimistic. The year of COVID has been rough, but it has also provided an opportunity for a lot of personal and professional growth. I’m grateful to have been in the trenches with some pretty amazing people. In working through this year’s struggles, I’ve made some lifelong friends. Better days are ahead!
Q: If you could have one super power, what would it be?
A: If I could have one super power what would it be? Ever since I was three years old, I’ve wanted to be Wonder Woman. I want all of her powers and the accessories! Lasso of truth: check. Invisible plane: check, check! Killer red boots: MINE!
Q: Finish this sentence: “If I won the lottery tomorrow I would...”