Are You an Outlaw? Meet Brenda Plowman
Who has redefined what it means to think outside the law (aka OUTLAW) and is helping each of us in the process?
Brenda Plowman
Meet Brenda Plowman, Chief Marketing Officer at Fasken, a full-service law firm with offices in Canada, the U.K., South Africa and China. Brenda works in collaboration with firm leadership to develop and deliver on the firm’s marketing, business development and client service strategies. She is responsible for the leadership of an efficient and responsive marketing and business development team whose focus includes brand management, internal and external communications, business development and marketing practices to meet the needs of clients, prospects and the firm.
We asked Brenda a few questions, and her answers can be found below. Enjoy getting to know this Outlaw!
Q: Where would you like to live?
A: South of France, although I do love where I live now.
Q: What is your idea of happiness?
A: Being in my gardens tending my flowers, hanging with my fur children, with a glass of wine…with a family member or friend would also be lovely.
Q: What is your motto?
A: Ralph Waldo Emerson ‘Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.’
Q: What is your greatest fear?
A: Not being able to take care of my people.
Q: Finish this sentence: “If I could have one super-power, it would be…”
A: …creating peace.
Q: Who are your favorite authors or what are your favorite books?
A: Typically personal development and leadership books.
Q: If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
A: I would love to host a dinner party of 10-12- open.
Q: What got you working in the legal industry?
A: I started my own company – full service marketing and communications. I was working for an accounting firm initially and had a lot of experience. This naturally evolved to all professional services firms including legal, engineering and other accounting firms.
Q: Your favorite musician or band?
A: Adele, One Republic, Sarah McLachlan, U2
Q: What is your current state of mind?
A: Happy and exploring possibilities.
Q: Your favorite virtue?
A: Honesty.
Q: What would you consider your greatest achievement?
A: The property I own now and its transformation…still underway. I renovated inside and out and am now working on the gardens and landscaping. I have big plans.
Q: Finish this sentence: “If I won the lottery tomorrow I would…”
A: …head for a vacation in south of France and Italy and begin planning my farm gate flower growing business.