Virtual Business Development Tips

As a result of COVID-19, our country (and the world as a whole) is facing a new frontier involving limited human interactions, cancelled travel and allowances for employees to work remotely. How do we continue operations as normally as possible with little to no impact on our clients? How do we continue to nurture our relationships and build business? Luckily, we live in a world where virtual connection is possible – a great benefit at a time such as this. Below are several of our business development tips to foster relationships during this time. Through habits, discipline, some creativity and a little grace, we can all get through this together (virtually).

Take advantage of your additional time:
With most offices closing and opting for remote working, we suddenly may have extra time in our day that was previously used to commute. Block off this time for client outreach and business development.

Review your business development plan:
Take some time to review your business development plan, assess (or reassess) your goals and determine ways you can work towards those goals given the current circumstances. Are there certain areas on which you can focus that do not necessarily require in-person meetings?

Client experience:
By now, your firm has likely sent a mass email to all clients with what to expect from the firm during this time. There are so many emails from various companies that many are getting lost in the noise. If you haven’t already, take time to personally reach out to your clients to communicate what they can expect from you.  Let them know if your new working conditions have changed a point of contact or if they can expect business as usual.

Look Out for Your Staff:
Working from home may be old hat for you, but it’s likely that several members of your support team have not worked remotely in the past. They may feel isolated and wonder if they are doing a good job or handling work appropriately. Reach out to each of your team members to make sure they have the technical capabilities and understand the systems utilized by your firm for remote working. Be sure to occasionally offer feedback on what a great job they’re doing, or if there are specific ways they can improve or do certain tasks more efficiently. Above all, assure them that they have your support, appreciation and encouragement. 

Client Point of View:
We are all too aware of the impact COVID-19 is having on our business and on each of us personally. What challenges are others facing during this time? Take this opportunity to reach out to your client and conduct a client interview to see how their business is being impacted and understand how you might be able to help. Use this time to practice one of our favorite BD tips: “If you’re listening, you’re selling; if you’re talking, you’re buying.” Ask thoughtful questions and really listen; you may uncover a way you can help or know of someone you can refer to help them. Don’t stop at that, though – also ask how they are coping from a personal standpoint to reinforce that you truly care about their well being, not just about their business.

Virtual Client Engagement:
We understand you have had to postpone or cancel in-person client events, however, still want to easily connect with your clients and add value. Determine which client events can be moved to a virtual platform. For instance, a lunch and learn can be moved to a webinar platform. Even a coffee meeting can be moved virtually via FaceTime.

If you need best practices for excellent client engagement within a virtual setting, we are more than happy to help – email us!

Connect the dots:
The phrase “it takes a village” deeply resonates right now. How can we help our neighbors right now? While you the mindset of helping and thinking of others, consider whom within your network you can connect. Use this time to make referrals and virtual introductions.

Genuine Outreach:
Reach out to clients and prospects to check-in or send an article that may be personally useful to them. Be authentic and don’t try to sell your services. This is a genuine check-in.

Many museums, zoos and other venues are offering virtual tours. Do you know someone who likes all things space, enjoys visiting museums across the globe, or loves Broadway shows? Below are links to several attractions offering virtual tours that may be of interest to someone you know and create an easy and genuine touch point. Feel free to simply copy and paste into an email to someone!

  • Travel the world and visit 12 famous museums from the comfort of your home. This may be the closest we ever get to most of these exhibits!

  • Broadway lovers can stream musicals and plays free for a limited time! This is a great way to see that show you’ve been dying to see.

  • Never been to Paris? That’s ok. You can tour the Louvre virtually and it’s almost like being there (minus the bonus of visiting a French bistro when you’re done).

  • Undoubtedly China’s most popular tourist attraction, you can take a virtual tour of the 2,000 year old Great Wall of China and boast to your friends that you’ve spanned it’s vast 3,000 miles.

  • Here in the U.S., we are lucky enough to have the beautiful and awe inspiring Yellowstone National Park. On their website, users can tour some of the park’s main attractions.

  • Searching for something a bit more “out of this world?” Check this out… You can explore the surface of Mars (yes, really) via NASA’s Curiosity rover.

  • Cincinnati Zoo Home Safari is live at 3 pm ET, seven days a week. “The goal with the daily live sessions is to provide fun and educational content to people who are stuck at home,” says Cincinnati Zoo Director Thane Maynard.

Update bio / LinkedIn page and Experience:
Review and update your bio on your firm website as well as your LinkedIn page. Read it from the client’s point of view. What edits and additions can you make? Review your experience list. Does it need to be updated or new transactions or matters created? Is it worded in a way that would clearly communicate what you do for clients if they have limited knowledge of legal terms?

Stay informed:
Continue to monitor the news throughout the day. Stay on top of the current changes and how they impact your clients, both personally and professionally.

What are your biggest business development hurdles in the current landscape? How can we help you overcome them? Email us your challenges!

Morgan Lewis