Are You an Outlaw? Meet Lisa Simon
Who has redefined what it means to think outside the law (aka OUTLAW) and is helping each of us in the process?
Meet Lisa Simon, Chief Client Development Officer at Lewis & Roca. Lisa is a twenty-year legal marketing veteran, past-president of the Legal Marketing Association and a frequent speaker and presenter. Lisa also has a passion for mentoring those new to the legal marketing industry. We wanted to pick her brain, and she graciously agreed. The answers to the questions we asked her can be found below. Enjoy getting to know this Outlaw!
Q: Where would you like to live? A: Toledo, Spain. It’s stunning. It’s known as the “City of Three Cultures” because of its historical co-existence of Christians, Muslims and Jews.
Q: What is your idea of happiness? A: Any time spent with my family laughing. I grew up in a family with a lot of laughter and it’s made its way into the next generation.
Q: Who is your real life hero? A: Any woman who breaks convention.
Q: What is your motto? A: Don’t screw it up. And when you do, own it, apologize and move on. People don’t fault you for mistakes. They fault you for the way you handle them.
Q: What is your greatest fear? A: Drowning.
Q: To what faults do you feel most indulgent? A: Uh, shopping. Hello? Wait, is that a fault?
Q: Finish this sentence, If I could have one super-power, it would be... A: To fly.
Q: Who are your favorite authors/what are your favorite books? A: Pillars of the Earth, Mists of Avalon, One of Ours, Rain of Gold
Q: If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why? A: My dad. I miss him.
Q: What got you into working in the legal industry? A: I wanted out of broadcasting after my son was born, so after staying home with him for a couple of years, I answered an ad in the paper to be a legal Marketing Assistant in 1995.
Q: Your favorite musician/ band? A: U2
Q: What is your current state of mind? A: Pretty chill with a hint of annoyance. (A friend once told me I’m always “slightly annoyed.” She’s right.)
Q: Your favorite virtue? A: Honesty.
Q: What would you consider your greatest achievement? A: Raising two happy, healthy kids who are pursuing their dreams.
Q: Finish this sentence - if I won the lottery tomorrow I would... A: Start a foundation to provide easier access to fresh food in food deserts.
Q: Who would you have liked to be? A: I’m happy being me. But my 9-year-old self would have answered Marcia Brady or Laurie Partridge.
Lisa oversees Lathrop & Gage's national business development and marketing initiatives in alignment with strategic goals and financial objectives. Her primary role is leading the firm’s client service program using client feedback and market intelligence to identify client growth opportunities. Lisa completed her undergraduate studies in Communications at the University of Denver and currently resides in Kansas City, MO.