Huse Quoted in “How to Make Innovation a Reality at Your Firm – And Maximize Results”

Jill Huse was quoted in the recent article, “How to Make Innovation a Reality at Your Firm – And Maximize Results,” by Hank Grezlak.


The article speaks to how midsize firms can better foster innovation – and it starts with Leadership.

Jill shared, “You need top-down endorsement, and you need a champion. The key to success is to work with the willing and find a champion. Just an endorsement from the top goes a long way.”

“Where we found success was to challenge lawyers in small groups to change,” Jill shared. “We make it fun and get them to buy in.” She suggested utilizing “shark tanks” and opportunity funds, and offering incentives to willing and active participants.

Read the article in its entirety here with a subscription.

Morgan Lewis