Client Experience
At Society 54, we believe that client loyalty is developed through more than the delivery of stellar service. There must be trust and transparency. Client loyalty takes not only time, but also acting on feedback and striving for continuous service improvements. One of the most effective ways in which to obtain such qualitative candid feedback from your clients is by implementing a client interview program. Another tool for understanding areas for improvement is through a First Impression audit. Specifically, we can help you define a feedback program from gaining internal buy-in to developing interview questions to conducting interviews. For audits, we can assist with everything from multi-modal communication performance, to in-person interaction assessments to the overall experience with your firm.
Click either of the above topics to read about how the client experience is effecting the professional services sector and what Society 54 can offer you in support of your efforts.
Learn more about what clients want and are searching for by reading our Clientspeak interviews.